關於我們 About Us

ACFEA Tour Consultants 自1955年以來一直為各世界各地的演藝團體定製各種音樂旅遊團。我們的員工都是經驗豐富的音樂人,熟知演藝團體身處外地時的特別需要和注意事項。

ACFEA 會為每個團體量身定制音樂之旅,務求照顧到他們的獨特喜好、演奏水平以及學習期望。透過回應客戶的特別需求,我們會將音樂節、演出比賽、住宿、學術交流和其他特別體驗等項目一一妥善安排進行程。不論對方是已合作多次的團體、抑或是初次策劃演出旅遊的新進團隊,ACFEA 都旨在為每個團體創造獨一無二的遊歷體驗。

自1991年,ACFEA已開始為北美洲以及歐洲的演藝團體籌辦來港的演出和活動。我們現亦開始為香港本地演藝團體提供多樣化的國際旅遊團選項,如有興趣,歡迎隨時聯絡我們了解更多。而其他外地團體亦可瀏覽我們的母網頁 www.acfea.com www.acfea.co.uk .

Since 1955, ACFEA Tour Consultants has been creating custom tours for performing arts groups throughout the world. As accomplished musicians, our staffs know first hand the special needs and concerns your group may have when touring abroad.

Tours designed by ACFEA are tailor-made to fit each individual group, reflecting that ensemble’s unique interests, abilities and expectations. Festivals can be incorporated into the itinerary as well as competitions, home stays, exchanges and other special touches – all made possible by the practice of responding to each group’s particular objectives. ACFEA is dedicated to designing an exceptional tour for every group, whether it is a veteran of much collaboration with ACFEA or one taking its first step into the world of touring.

ACFEA Hong Kong has been arranging tours for North American and European groups to Hong Kong since 1991. If you are a group from Hong Kong and would like to hear about our many international tour options, please contact us. For groups outside of Hong Kong wishing to hear about international tour options, please visit our parent site www.acfea.com  www.acfea.co.uk